I have found mesmerizing the battle between Apple and HTC about copyright infringement issues. I believe Apple in a way has to take a grip and realize that although they were the innovators of the smartphone market, they still need to compete outside of a courtroom. The world will change and adapt to innovators in order to compete and stay up with emerging technology. It is Apple who needs to drastically bring something new to the table with its new iPhone 5.
On the other hand, I believe HTC has also to make something unique that in combination with Android’s operating system sets their company apart from Apple. Android has an amazing apps market that although it hasn’t reached the number of applications the App store has; it still develops each year in large quantities. I believe HTC is a company that prides itself of selling its products all over in the US no matter which provider it is. The company does give exclusivity with certain models to specific providers; however I believe this factor makes HTC way more flexible than Apple.
Apple has always given exclusivity to AT&T and recently gave exclusivity to Verizon. I think they were very smart in choosing a high profile counterpart for AT&T which worked without Sim cards. As we know, the market is separated in two different types of technology: GSM, which utilizes Sim Cards (AT&T, T-Mobile & Simple Mobil) and CDMA, which works without Sim cards (Verizon, Sprint, Metro PCS). The fact Apple chose to have two carries with these two different types of technology allows their phones to be used by both types of customers, which fight between speed and versatility. Apple also prides itself to have the biggest apps network available in the world. Its App store contains more than 400,000 applications today while the Android market has somewhat more than 150,000. Thus, it is the app store that currently carries the iPhone, not necessarily the phone itself.
Ultimately, it is visible why Apple and HTC are having a copyright debate. One company is the innovator and the other has become the developer of smart phone technology. I believe Apple should come up with a mind blasting iPhone 5 next year and new features in its App store in order to catch up with HTC instead of arguing in courtrooms. On the other hand, I believe HTC should create something unique about them aside of making their phones available for tethering, and Android having Flash incorporated (a super + for HTC/Android over Apple). HTC should bring technology that stets them apart of Apple in order to make Apple adapt to their technology in order to compete in today’s cell phone market.